Friday, March 26, 2010

"Macho Man" Randy Savage - Be A Man

Fuck the intro; you know who I am and what I do! I’m so damned excited about reviewing this atrocity. What are two things that have PROVEN not to go together? Now come on…think about it…

The answer is sports and music! Now don’t get all worried; I won’t be reviewing Shaq’s other albums. I don’t think I could take any more genie rap in this life time. No, this is something far more insane. Something I never thought could have happened in the world of music.

In 2003 “Macho Man” Randy Savage flipped the switch of the guillotine and ended his career. The crescendo came on compact disc, and feature 45 minutes of ego fueled rap. You really didn’t read that wrong. “Macho Man” put out a fucking rap album. I know some of my readers have heard legend of this album, but did they ever think I’d review it? Probably not is the most likely answer. Trust me, just looking at that 45 minute mark is making me regret this.

To start, this album suffers from the sports/music cross over niche downfall. You all must have figured this out from the Shaq albums. Bigger sports stars that have little or no real talent and overly confident agents venture into the entertainment industry. At times this works. You can see this with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Arnold Schwarzenegger (he had a rocky start but T2 melts faces). My point is that 99% of the time athletes have talent for their sport and NOT MUSIC (Chris Jericho being a major exception). Personally I find Randy Savage’s voice god damned annoying. Remember back to the Slim Jim commercials he did. Now imagine that put to 45 minutes hip hop. My ears are on the verge of mutiny right now. I can’t say enough GOOD things about “Macho Man” back in his glory days of WWF and WCW. He is one great pro-wrestler that has just enough cheese to make the man-opera enjoyable. Back in the day wrestling was the shit!

So…now we get down to this horrid audio experience.

1. Intro - Another horrible intro to a bad rap album. It takes the form of a semi-news report. It talks about how he signed to Big 3 records. Don’t ask me, I’ve never heard of them. It also has sound snippets of people (mostly women) saying how great Randy Savage is. How sexy he is. How kick ass he is. I’m going to predict at least half of this album is just one big ass ego boost.
2. I’m Back - For fucks sake. Do these type of records follow a made outline? You can see a very similar track opening about every one of Shaq’s albums. I’m sure if I find other sports/music albums I will see the same type of shit. The beat reminds me of late 90’s WCW rap/rock schlock. He gives this big shout out at the end of the song to his “posse”. This is a throw away track with a forgettable beat.
3. Ru Ready - The hype track. This could be an opener on another album. Though if he ever makes another rap album I’ll be scared. The beat throws more of this pseudo rock/rap mix. Rap/rock is extremely hard to pull of properly, and this is not it. I will say his rhymes are solid. They have the depth of a kiddy pool in Texas. Solid none the less.
4. Hit the Floor - DJ Kool guests on this track and I will guarantee he is the best thing you’ll hear. This is the party song. The first minute or so all you hear is DJ Kool tearing shit up 80’s Miami bass style and “Macho Man” sticking in his traditional “OOOOOOOOHHHHHHH YEAH”. The beat is good, but is utterly ruined by a certain keyboard patch. Anyone familiar with standard keyboard patches will know this annoying piece of shit. It’s the hip hop “hit”. It’s a bit hard to explain if you haven’t heard it, but be assured that it’s annoying.
5. Let’s Get It On - Here we have another “let’s kick some butt” (actual lyric) type song. The beat is annoying; the hook is standard issue fail. The only thing I’ll give this song is that it’s short, clocking in at 2:38.
6. Remember Me - Oh, the rap ballad. Can we say “plea for help”. If you have to ask to be remembered then you have issues. Those who care will keep it alive. These are bargain bin beats. It’s like the producers were only humoring “Macho Man” when he and his agent proposed this project.
7. Tear It Up - More rap/rock weakness with more “I’m gonna kick your butt and I got women and the belt” type lyrics. Really, out of Randy Savage this should be expected, so I can’t judge the guy on his lyrics. You can’t expect a Bach piano concerto when you have a have a hobo with a tin can.
8. Macho Thang - This shit just got awesome! The beat is all 8bit and isn’t annoying. The lyrics tell a story of “Macho Man” at a club and how he is just pwning faces and getting ladies. Maybe this album has gotten so ridiculous that it’s moved to bad ass. I think yes!
9. Be A Man - This starts with a total diss (I’m to white to use that word) to Hulk Hogan. Anybody want to see elderly men get into a fist fight? In fact the whole song is just one big “heat” making track. Savage spends the whole song calling out Hogan for a fight. I’m not sure I even paid attention to the beat.
10. Get Back - This has a weak slow beat, and is completely over shadowed by the last song. More of that ego trippin wrasslin music. NEXT!!!
11. Feel the Madness - The beat is weird, in a good way. The hook is pretty neat too as they sing the song title. Surprisingly, Randy Savage is a pretty solid rapper. Granted, the guy has two things he talks about: kicking ass and women. Yet again I say…what do you expect.
12. What That’s All About - Here we find the softer side of “Macho Man”. I suspect this is dedicated to his wife Miss Elizabeth. Good thought, but the execution is just horrible. It talks about his rocky relationship with said female. As the chorus says “First you love me, then you hate me. Want to leave me, Pretty lady. Can you tell me what’s that all about?” If that puts this song in perspective, I don’t know what does. There are some things that should be left to private conversations.
13. Gonna Be Trouble - This track doesn’t even have novelty. The beat is sub-par, the lyrics are lame in the Chucky Cheese sense of things, and it sounds like the B-squad of the rough ridas are doing the backing vocals.
14. My Perfect Friend - This is an ode to Mr. Perfect. For that alone that I have respect for this song. I never like him as a wrestler, but I do have fond memories of him in WWF back in the 80’s. The beat has that amazing 8bit vibe again; though it is marred by these damned annoying clicks/hand claps. This is a great ender for the album. Nothing will get me more then a good sentimental song.

So that’s “Be A Man” by Randy Savage. For a 51 year old guy who spent his whole life in the wrestling ring it wasn’t a half bad album. By no means is this superior hip hop, but if you are a wrestling fan you will get a kick out of this. One thing that surprises me is that The Ultimate Warrior never put out any form of music. Hell he put out bad comics and insane books, but never music. I’d almost pay to hear a spoken word CD by the guy. Maybe the trend of wrestlers putting out music albums could become THE THING. Feuds could be sparked in song. It would take the man-opera to a whole new level; The musical rendition of WWE.

On second thought, let us leave the wrestling to the wrestlers and the music to the musicians.

Thank you and GOODNIGHT!

^^^^^^The Wrestler^^^^^^

^^^^^^The Rapper^^^^^^

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